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• Report any suspicious strangers in your neighbourhood
• Report any plans to cause harm to property
• Report any plans to cause harm to other persons
• Report any plans for stealing or robbery
• Report any plans to buy weapons
• Report any plans to steal weapons
• Report any plans to hire weapons
• Report any plans to make or use bombs
• Report any plans to kidnap people
• Report any plan to hire goons, thugs or gangs
• Report any plans to hijack motor cycle, motor vehicle
• Report any plans to hijack a plane
• Report any plans to hijack a ship
• Report any plans to assassinate someone
• Report any plans to shoot people
• Report any plans to kill a person or people
• Report any plans to hack into a computer system
• Report any plans to publish false information about someone


Doping in sports is a form of fraud or corruption. Doping gives athletes unfair advantages over others. It is prohibited by all sports bodies. It is done illegally.

You can report any of the following –
• An athlete who is using doping substances
• A sports federation official who is promoting doping in sports
• Bribery of a doping control officer
• A doping control officer warning athletes in advance before sample collection
• Exchanging or swapping of samples
• Pretending to be sick and obtaining a doctor’s letter to avoid sample
• A doctor who is doping athletes
• A coach who is helping in doping athletes
• A coach warning athletes in advance before sample collection
• A manager helping in doping athletes
• A manager warning athletes in advance before sample collection
• A chemist/pharmacy doping athletes
• A chemist/pharmacy selling doping substances to athletes
• A person who is trading in doping substances
• A government official promoting doping in sports
• a parent promoting doping in sports
• Bribery of an official of a Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE) committee
• Bribery of an investigating officer
• A suspended athlete training with others while still suspended
• A coach training a banned athlete during the period of suspension
• Mislabeling of medicines to conceal doping effects
• Mislabeling of food supplements to hide doping effects
• Laboratory officials who are compromised

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Match fixing distorts the nature of sport and can interfere with opportunities of both players and the team to advance. It removes the necessary tension inherent in sport. It is forbidden by all sports federations.
You can report on any of the following –
• bribery of a referee or match official
• bribery of a player to lose a match or make a team lose
• a player bribing others to make a team lose
• a coach bribing players to make a team lose
• a team manager bribing players to make a team lose
• a club official bribing players to lose a game
• a federation official bribing a player to lose a game
• a team official bribing players to lose a match
• a team official influencing players to play badly
• a sponsor doing something to make a team lose
• any other person paying players to make a team lose

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You can report on –
• Accepting a bribe in exchange for a service
• Soliciting for bribes to render a service
• Soliciting for gifts in exchange for a service
• Failure to report that funds are being used for bribery or facilitation payments


You can report any of the following activities-
• Receiving gifts that exceed those set by law
• using gifts and entertainment to influence business relationships with an organisation
• Accepting gifts or entertainment that would ruin the reputation of the organization

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Prohibited conduct here could include –
• Use of the institution’s resources or name or reputation for individual political gain
• working on a political fundraiser or other campaign activity or openly supporting any political party while in the institution
• Making charitable contributions to causes and organizations that are politically affiliated.

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Unwanted activities under here include-
• Unwillingness or failure to maintain accurate records
• Tampering with officials records
• Failure to adhere to the organisation’s record keeping procedures
• Failure to update, retain and file records required for various purposes by the organisation
• Destroying documents required for an investigation or audit.
• Concealing information required for investigation or audit

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Activities that constitute money laundering include-
• Receiving payments in cash or from an unusual financing source
• Making arrangements that involve the transfer of funds to or from countries or entities not related to the transaction or customer
• Involvement in complex deals that don’t reflect a real business purpose
• Attempting to evade record-keeping or reporting requirements
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Report any of –
• Buying or selling securities based on non-publicly available knowledge gained in the course of business
• Providing information or tips, or encouraging another person to buy or sell securities based on inside information
• Failure to report suspected insider trading immediately to the relevant ethics and compliance department.


Fraudulent activities include –
• Misappropriation of assets of the organisation or affected stakeholders
• Failure to prepare financial statements in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles
• Failure to ensure timely, transparent and effective communication with all suppliers and any other stakeholders.
• leading a supplier or customer to believe that they can inappropriately influence any procurement decisions at the institution
• suggesting that any business or service may be withdrawn or awarded in return for personal reward.
• failure to observe laid down procedures and regulations in procurement and disposal of public goods and assets
• Failure to fairly present, in all material respects, the organisation’s financial condition and results.
• Failure to report suspected incidents of fraud, theft, negligence, and waste

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Any of the following constitutes academic dishonesty –
• Failure to cover the set content without a lawful excuse
• Constant absenteeism from class by a teacher
• Leaking examinations
• Selling examinations
• Selling marks
• Buying marks
• Falsifying marks in a computer system
• Issuing a certificate to a candidate who has not fulfilled the set requirements
• Issuing a fake certificate
• Presenting or using a fake certificate
• Printing a fake certificate
• Forging documents
• Stealing other people’s works such as research proposals, dissertations and thesis
• Paying another person to do an assignment or write a thesis/dissertation on your behalf
• Giving false information
• Violating any rules or regulations on academic standards


Unfair HR practices include –
• Unfair dismissal, demotion or suspension
• Unfair denial of a promotion, transfer or other employment benefit
• Exclusionary behavior
• Any other behavior that singles out the person unfairly
• Unfair recruitment practices
• unfair selection process which is not based on qualification, experience and suitability.
• Unfair selection for job development opportunities
• Unfair job evaluation and placement
• Unfair reward management.
• Threats or demands to submit to sexual requests as a condition of employment or to avoid negative consequences
• Unfairly denying training, leave or promotion
• Setting impossible deliverables targeting a specific person
• Constantly changing work guidelines

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Activities that constitute harassment and bullying include –

• Yelling at or humiliating someone
• Physical violence or intimidation
• Visual displays such as derogatory or sexually-oriented pictures or gestures
• Physical conduct including assault or unwanted touching
• Threats or demands to submit to sexual requests as a condition of employment or to avoid negative consequences
• Sending offensive jokes or emails
• Intimidating someone
• Withholding necessary information or purposefully giving the wrong information
• Criticizing or belittling someone constantly
• Impeding someone’s work
• Spreading malicious rumor or gossip
• Excluding or isolating someone socially
• Tampering with a person’s personal belongings or work equipment

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Decisions that violate a code of conduct include –
• Making a decision that is illegal
• Making a decision that runs contra to the code of conduct
• Making a decision that does not reflect values and ethics of the organisation
• Failure to use any tangible and intangible assets of the organisation and those of stakeholders under the control of the organisation only for their intended business purpose.
• Failure to protect assets of the organisation such as cash, securities, business plans, customer information, supplier information, distributor information, intellectual property (computer programs, models and other items), physical property and services.
• Making a decision that does not respect the rights of others

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Activities that constitute conflict of interest include –

• Failure to disclose conflict of interest in employment
• Failure to disclose conflict of interest in procurement
• Failure to disclose conflict of interest in an investigation
• Using the organisation’s name, facilities or relationships for personal benefit or for outside work.
• Involvement in actual or proposed business relationships or transaction with entities from which they may derive a benefit
• Personal investment in entities where the investment affects or appears to affect a member’s ability to make unbiased business decisions for the institution.
• Engaging in other business during working hours of the organisation
• Being directly involved in an institution’s dealings with an entity in which a member has a financial interest
• Serving as a director or trustee in another entity creating a conflict of interest

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Violation of confidentiality can take the form of –

• Failure to keep Customer lists confidential
• Failure to keep Supplier lists confidential
• Failure to keep Pricing information confidential
• Failure to keep Terms of contracts confidential
• Failure to keep Company policies and procedures confidential
• Failure to keep Financial statements confidential
• Failure to keep Marketing plans and strategies confidential
• Failure to keep Trade secrets confidential
• Disclosing proprietary or confidential information about the institution, or its employees, or confidential information about a customer, supplier or distributor, to anyone who is not authorized to receive it.
• Unlawfully communicating with the outside community on behalf of the organisation
• Failure to keep confidential in a medical, legal or other setting that requires confidentiality
• Any other information that could damage the company or its customers or suppliers if it was disclosed

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Violation of privacy involves activities such as –
• disclosing personal and private information of Employees
• disclosing personal and private information of Customers
• disclosing personal and private information of Suppliers
• disclosing personal and private information of Competitors
• disclosing personal and private information of Third parties
• Publishing other peoples photos, bio data,or other info without their

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Anti-competitive activities include –
• Failure to Communicate the company’s products and services in a manner that is fair and accurate, and that discloses all relevant information
• violation of policies or laws governing fair competition
• Engaging in price fixing, bid rigging, and any other anti-competitive activities
• Failure to advise a manager immediately of possible violations of fair competition practices
• Taking unfair advantage of someone through manipulation, concealment
• Abuse of confidential information
• misrepresenting material facts or other unfair dealing practices

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Report any of –
• Inappropriate labeling of medicines and other substances
• Failure to seek consent in medical treatment and research
• Failure to disclose relevant information regarding and experiment drug
• Failure to give appropriate label on foods, drinks and other chemicals
• Failure to disclose all ingredients of a food, medicines, fertilizers. etc
• Failure to disclose non harmful effects of food or medicines
• Failure to report deviations from set health and safety standards
• Failure of the organisation to conduct business in accordance with
applicable health and safety requirements
• Failure of the organisation to strive for continuous improvement in its
health and safety policies and procedures.
• Failure to perform work in compliance with applicable health and safety laws, regulations, policies and procedures at all times
• Failure to communicate safety and health requirements to visitors, customers or contractors.
• Failure to immediately report workplace injuries, illnesses or unsafe conditions, including “near-misses.”

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Safety issues include-
• Failure to adhere to set engineering standards in the aviation industry
• Use of inferior parts or materials that compromise safety of passengers and others
• Using inferior spare parts on an aircraft
• Filling an aircraft with inferior quality fuel
• Failure to check and fix any defects using standard safety procedures before take off
• Rendering poor mechanical service
• Failure to give appropriate warnings in electrical/electronic or related matters that could result in injury to life and property
• Giving an inaccurate report on airworthiness of an aircraft
• Activities on Board an aeroplane that can endanger safety of those on Board
• Bringing things on board that compromise safety of an aircraft
• Failure to adhere to construction standards
• Report any plans to hijack a plane
• Report any plans to assassinate someone on board a flight
• Report any plans to poison a passenger or crew on board
• Report any plans to smuggle weapons on board an aircraft
• Report any plans to smuggle explosives on board an aircraft
• Report any plans to hack into a plane’s computer system
• Report any plans to publish false information about the airline
• Report any plans to cause harm on board an aircraft
• Report any plans to smuggle prohibited goods on board an aircraft
• Report any plans to service an aircraft badly
• Report any plans to give false security reports regarding airworthiness of an aircraft
• Report any plans to give false weather reports
• Report any plans to give false details about the make of an aircraft

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• Failure to observe regulations relating to waste disposal, including clinic waste
• Failure to adhere to regulations on noise pollution
• Engaging in water pollution
• Wanton pollution of air
• Endangering sustainable use of genetic materials
• Failure by the organisation to comply with all applicable environmental laws and regulations.


Report any of the following –
• Failure to safeguard all computer equipment and data against intentional malicious acts by individuals inside or outside the company.
• Failure to provide Cyber-security training to all employees to ensure compliance with computer security policies.
• Failure by the organisation to safeguard against inappropriate access by individuals or groups untrained in correct policies or procedures
• Use by the organisation of software for which it does not have a license.

• Use of the organisation’s internet to support a personal business, political venture, or embarrass the company and its customers.
• Use of the organisation’s internet to send offensive messages

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You can report on any of the following –
• Failure to reveal his/her relationship with the organisation when commenting online on issues related to the organisation
• Failure to respect the privacy of other employees and refrain from publishing photos of them without their consent
• Failure to post accurate information related to the organisation
• Failure to comply with the rules of the social media sites they use
• “Pretexting”, or pretending to be someone they are not online
• Posting comments or pictures that could harm the organisation’s brand, reputation or commercial interests

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You can report any of the following activities-

• Failure by the organisation, its suppliers or supplier networks to employ all employees under their own free will with no one being subjected to bonded or forced labor.
• Use of child Labor by the organisation and its suppliers
• Failure by the organisation and or its suppliers to produce measurable environmental impact reports.
• Failure by the organisation to conduct ongoing efforts to reduce environmental pollution while increasing sustainability
• Failure by the organisation to encourage and support involvement in the community that has supported it – including sourcing local products and services, where appropriate, and showcasing the work of local artists in the organisation’s public spaces.
• Failure to have a charity committee in place to discuss and execute potential and ongoing charitable projects.

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Violations of consumer rights include –
• Failure to respond to customer complaints swiftly
• Failure to resolve customer disputes swiftly
• Failure to give proper information regarding goods and services
• Mis-labeling of foods, drinks and other consumables
• Giving misleading information about the contents or composition of any consumer product including phones, electric gadgets, foodstuffs and medicines

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Report any of the following-
• Failure to obtain necessary approvals
• Failure to use recommended materials
• Failure to follow approved designs
• Theft of materials
• Claiming more money for labour than the number of workers
• Bribery of inspection officials
• Approving a sub-standard building/road/bridge or other
• Giving approvals for construction on riparian land
• Awarding a construction tender without following laid down procedures


You may also report any of the following-

• Failure to co-operate fully with an authorized internal or external investigations
• Having sex at the workplace
• Misuse of controlled substances at the institution.
• The sale, manufacture, distribution, possession, use or being under the influence of illegal drugs and alcohol on the job
• Drunkenness at the place of work
• lack of professionalism

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