Violation of confidentiality can take the form of –

• Failure to keep Customer lists confidential
• Failure to keep Supplier lists confidential
• Failure to keep Pricing information confidential
• Failure to keep Terms of contracts confidential
• Failure to keep Company policies and procedures confidential
• Failure to keep Financial statements confidential
• Failure to keep Marketing plans and strategies confidential
• Failure to keep Trade secrets confidential
• Disclosing proprietary or confidential information about the institution, or its employees, or confidential information about a customer, supplier or distributor, to anyone who is not authorized to receive it.
• Unlawfully communicating with the outside community on behalf of the organisation
• Failure to keep confidential in a medical, legal or other setting that requires confidentiality
• Any other information that could damage the company or its customers or suppliers if it was disclosed

Report securely and anonymously using your phone

Contact us for details.