From 2005 to 2014 Africa lost USD$36 billion and USD$69 billion in illicit financial flows (75% of what it needs for infrastructure development).
Thirty percent of Kenya’s budget is lost to corruption. Transparency International estimated that in 2016 -out of a budget of KShs 2 trillion – KShs 600 billion was lost to corruption. In particular, it has been observed that this inflates the cost of doing business. Another effect of corruption is that sub-standard Buildings are put up, which have killed many Kenyans in the recent past through collapsed buildings.
The magnitude of corruption can be evidenced by the fact that about 300 out of 55,000 cases of corruption are before the courts, 1/6 of companies bribe to get an operating license, and 1/3 of companies pay bribes for a construction permit. Further reports from Transparency International indicate that 75% Kenyans consider Police to be corrupt, 20% of all land transactions are corrupt, Tax administration is corrupt, 30% of Companies report corruption in tendering procedures, and that Corruption encourages poaching.
All corruption related activities involve more than one person. Some people may want to report but they fear reprisals such as loss of jobs, loss of life, demotion, and other forms of punishment that could be visited upon them.

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